
sábado, 8 de junho de 2013

SALA AO AR LIVRE EM DETALHES -3 - Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Outdoor Rooms

a porch with porch swing, outdoor furniture and area rug, man sits reading on the porch swing

man sits reading on a porch swing

a candle lantern for a porch area

an area rug for a porch and rocking chair

a patio with pergola, mirror, garden gate and planters

a patio with garden gate

a patio with planters

a patio with a large, decorative hanging mirror

a patio with a pergola and hanging vines

a patio with colorful, red wall topped with barrel tiles

a patio with container plants

a patio with pea-gravel surface and paver tile edging

a patio with a lush arbor

a patio with a flagstone floor

a patio with a small, outdoor table

a patio outside a front entry

a patio outside a front entry with a herringbone-patterned brick path

a patio outside a front entry with trellises against the front wall and a windowbox

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